Musictocraftto project

Well… I’ve never written a blog post before and don’t really know what I’m doing so you will probably have to bare with my naivety… Here goes.

I suppose this story really starts in January 2016 not long after getting a copy of David Bowies Blackstar LP. The album was making very deep impressions which was amplified by the saddening news of Bowies passing. Me and my husband listened, we talked, then I got out my felting paraphernalia. I ended up making this ball with a design I did not have in my mind when I picked up my wool, but here it was.



When I had finished I realised that I had become completely immersed and intertwined with the music and my craft. I had created something that required no conscious effort. It was a very weird feeling and I left it at that.

Just over a year has passed and this morning, out of the blue, I remembered my experience with Blackstar and my needle-felted ball. I wondered whether this was something that I could experiment with, to try and become ‘one’ (yes I know) with the music and see what ideas would arise.

So, after dropping my two boys at school, I came home and set up my work station and music selection.

I have been listening to a lot of Ginger Wildhearts music recently and his latest treat ‘ghost in the Tanglewood’ was instantly the album for today. I put it on and it repeated until I had run out of crafting time.


When I looked back at what I had made it was like seeing them for the very first time; I could see them objectively which I can’t usually do at all.


When I am being creative there is always a barrier, namely me. A voice constantly telling me it isn’t good enough, this or that isn’t right etc. That didn’t happen this time and I was free in my creativity.

Today was the first day, tomorrow brings more music and more creativity hopefully.

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