Battling against thoughts.

Music to craft to today was Robert Plant ‘lullaby and the ceaseless roar’.


So today was day two of my Musictocraftto project and it hasn’t gone to plan if I’m honest.

I had some news today,not terrible but not great and it was playing on my mind the whole morning. I found it impossible to give myself over to the music and to let go of my thoughts. I found this extremely frustrating and I think this manifested itself in the seemingly constant mistakes I was making.

Instead of the flowing creativity that I experienced yesterday, I found myself jarring against thoughts of negativity. These thoughts continued after I had finished my craft and I began to wonder if this meant that this idea wasn’t going to work or bare any meaningful fruit; I wondered if I would have to listen to Ginger’s ‘ghost in the Tanglewood’ forever, was yesterday a fluke? All these thoughts and more flooding my mind.

If I think about it logically, I wasnt in a receptive mood this morning, I also think that Gingers ‘tanglewood’ album speaks on a very deep level to me. Maybe those factors just mean that I was too closed off. With this said, I still managed to create a few pieces and I am happy with them. Result!


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